benefits of apple cider vinegar
benefits of apple cider vinegar

Did you know that when apples are processed, their natural sugars are transformed into acetic acid, the foundation of vinegar? This fascinating process results in the creation of cider vinegar, a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of culinary applications. You can find apple cider vinegar in stores that are labeled as filtered or unfiltered. 

It means there are proteins, enzymes, and good bacteria in the vinegar, which is why it looks cloudy. Flavored cider vinegar can be made with other fruits as well. Usually, apples are used as the base, and fruits like strawberries are added during production. So keep reading this article to understand the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar for your general health.

12 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Most studies that back up ACV’s health apple cider benefits have been small, and the results haven’t been clear-cut. We need to look into its benefits in more and more depth. Here are 12 of the best cider vinegar health benefits:

1. Help in Weight Loss

 On of the main benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it can help you lose weight. Health and fitness professionals are now aware that Apple cider vinegar for weight loss helps you lose all those extra pounds.

It seems that someone can lose up to 4 pounds if they eat just two tablespoons for 12 weeks. And this is without making any other changes to their habits. But please keep in mind that it won’t help you lose weight right away. Healthy food and a good way of life are important, then you can incorporate apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

2. Lowers Blood Sugar

Blood sugar levels can be kept healthy with apple cider vinegar. This is probably the most important benefit of taking apple cider vinegar. Eating white bread makes blood sugar levels rise by an average of 31%.

Researchers did another study on diabetic rats and found that giving them apple cider vinegar for four weeks in a row lowered their blood sugar levels significantly.

3. Boost Insulin Sensitivity

Sugar moves from the blood to the cells with the help of the hormone insulin. The sugar will then be used as fuel in the cells. Insulin resistance can happen when the body keeps insulin levels high for a long time. Insulin resistance makes insulin less effective, which leads to high blood sugar and, ultimately, diabetes.

4. Soothe Psoriasis Symptoms

If you have scaly patches caused by psoriasis, ACV may help reduce the itching and irritation. Apply diluted apple cider vinegar to dry areas of your skin with a cotton pad or sponge as a toner. However, there isn’t much research on apple cider vinegar and psoriasis. You soak your hands or feet in a bowl of diluted vinegar. 

5. Kills Bacteria

Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years to kill germs because it is a natural acid. People have put it on their ears and nails to get rid of fungal diseases, lice, and warts.

As a food-safe cleaner, some people use it to clean areas used for making food. Some vinegars, like apple cider vinegar, are used to keep food fresh for a long time. This is done to protect food safety and health. Because it kills bacteria, apple cider vinegar can be used for many things and keeps your home safe.

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6. May Reduce Acid Reflux

Another major benefit of apple cider vinegar is the reduction in Acid Reflux. It happens when there isn’t enough acid in the stomach. It is recommended that people who have acid reflux drink apple cider vinegar because it eases the symptoms and adds more acid to the digestive system.

7. Manage Varicose Veins

Putting ACV on varicose veins on the outside can help with symptoms like pain, cramping, and swelling. It is important to raise your legs 45 degrees while ACV is applied to the skin. Elevating the legs may help ease the pain of varicose veins. 

8. Eliminates Belly Fat

Acetic acid can stop the buildup of body fat. Apple cider vinegar makes you feel fuller, which makes you eat fewer calories. ACV’s acetic acid has been shown in studies to help people lose belly fat overnight. Some studies also suggest that ACV may help keep blood sugar levels stable, which can make you feel less hungry before meals.

9. Promotes A Healthy Digestive System

Apple cider vinegar is often said to be good for your gut health in addition to possibly helping to control blood sugar. Probiotics are good bacteria that help keep your gut microbiome healthy.

The “mother” in apple cider vinegar is a source of probiotics. Probiotics help the digestive system and may even help the body absorb nutrients better. Note that ACV that has been heated up doesn’t have any live probiotics in it.

10. Ease the Stinging Pain of Shingles

Shingles is a painful rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, and there is no cure for it. Some people say that apple cider vinegar may help ease the pain of shingles, but there isn’t a lot of good clinical evidence to support this. “applying apple cider vinegar on your face can help the blood flow, kill bacteria, and keep the pH levels in check.

11. Hair Care

In your last rinse, use apple cider vinegar. Since apple cider vinegar for hair is sour, it keeps your hair’s pH level stable without changing the natural oils in it.

Because of this, hair becomes silky, smooth, and soft. Apple cider vinegar can also help with hair itching, dryness, and dandruff because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

12. Getting Rid of a Sore Throat 

If you have a sore throat, apple cider vinegar can help. Mix a quarter cup with the same amount of warm water and rinse a few times a day. You can also drink a cup of hot water with honey and apple cider vinegar mixed in. If you have a sore throat, this would help.

13. Glowing Skin

Another reason to keep apple cider vinegar in the kitchen is that it can be used as a skin cream. To enjoy the benefits of apple cider vinegar for skin, use a cotton ball to gently rub it on your face.

Natural acetic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids improve blood flow, close pores, and reduce acne. The helpful ingredient also lessens the effects of acne, dry skin, psoriasis, and eczema.

Risks and Precautions

There are many possible health benefits to apple cider vinegar, but it’s also important to know about the side effects of apple cider vinegar.

Due to its high acidity, apple cider vinegar that has not been dampened can cause burns, irritation, and pain when applied to the skin. Eating acidic foods, like apple cider vinegar, can make gut ulcers worse for people who already have them.


Adding apple cider vinegar to food is a low-calorie way to make it taste better. Apple cider vinegar may be good for you in several ways, but the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar need to be confirmed by many more large-scale studies.

Apple cider vinegar should not be used instead of medical treatments that a doctor prescribes. Before using vinegar to treat any illness, they should always talk to a doctor or nurse.

People can use apple cider vinegar safely in small amounts to season food or dress it. ACV, on the other hand, is sour. If you use vinegar that hasn’t been reduced, it can damage your teeth, eyes, and throat, and it can burn your skin.